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Kink certainly seems in-vogue as 2023 gets underway, you might even say it's gone mainstream, perhaps due to the success of 50 shades? So, for our next written journey into sexy stuff Mr. Wilde wanted to dig into the wonderful world of kink. Buckle up!

The term "kinky" is often used to describe sexual behaviours or practices that fall outside of societal norms or traditional understandings of sexuality. It can refer to a wide range of activities, from the use of certain types of sexual props or costumes, to more intense forms of BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism) play. Hands up if you only just found out what that actually stood for….?

Kink can also refer to a person's specific interests or desires within the realm of sexuality. For example, some individuals may have a kink for BDSM, while others may have a kink for exhibitionism or voyeurism. The term can also be used as an umbrella term to refer to the BDSM community as a whole. It is important to note that what is considered "kinky" varies greatly between individuals and comm

unities. What floats one person’s boat, another may find utterly vanilla, unappealing or even offensive. Therefore, it is essential to approach kink with an open mind and respect for the preferences of others - which is a pretty good way to approach most things in life. Here here!

One of the most important aspects of kink is the concept of consent. All parties involved in any kink activity must give their enthusiastic and informed consent to participate. This means that everyone must be willing to participate, and that they understand the nature of the activity and any potential risks involved. It also means that everyone has the right to say "no" at any time, for any reason, and that this "no" must be respected. Other safe words are available.

Another key aspect of kink is communication. Participants must be able to openly and honestly communicate their boundaries, desires, and concerns to each other in order to ensure that everyone is comfortable and safe. This can include setting limits on activities, establishing safe words, and discussing aftercare. There is also a large stigma and taboo surrounding kink and BDSM communities, as it is often portrayed in media as dangerous or deviant. However, it is slowly being more accepted in society and open conversations around it are becoming more common.

It is important to remember that people's sexual preferences are personal and varied and that kink is not something to be feared or stigmatised. Everyone has the right to explore their sexuality in a safe and consensual manner, and kink can be a healthy and fulfilling aspect of many people's lives.

Sneak a peek at Mr. Wilde’s kink range and see if anything takes your fancy.

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